People Strong
District 33
As the District 33 Representative I have been honored to represent the citizens of Aiea, Halawa, Newtown, Royal Summit, Pearl Ridge, Waimalu and Enchanted Hills. I am a small business owner, father, husband, veteran and community member and have been a member of our community for almost three decades. I have seen and experienced the rising cost of living, increased business constraints, lack of affordable housing, increased homelessness and rising health care costs. Though these challenges seem overwhelming, there is much we can do individually and collectively to improve our community. As a community member and Representative I spend weekends with the Lions Club painting over graffiti, land-scaping, picking up trash and generally beautifying our community. Providing service to our community gives me a sense of accomplishment and keeps me in touch with my friends and neighbors. I am requesting your support so I can continue work in providing housing for homeless individuals, improve the schools in the Aiea District and continue to hold government accountable for our spending. I look forward to continue working for you in an official capacity to improve the daily challenges we face. I have made many heart-felt connections for almost three decades and look forward to the opportunity to continue serving you and your family. I am always available to you 24/7 and can be reached at 699-0222 or email samkong@hawaii.rr.com.