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CIPS 2017-2018

Pearl Ridge Elementary School

Design and construction for central courtyard improvements; ground and site improvements.

Total Funding: $135,900


Webling Elementary School

To finance construction for new playground equipment and site improvements.

Total Funding: $125,000


Aiea Intermediate School

Design and construction for improvements to the cafeteria stage.

Total Funding: $450,000

Design, construction, and equipment for an applied technology center.

Total Funding: $3,200,000

Construction and equipment to complete cafeteria renovation; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

Total Funding: $550,000


Aiea High School

Design, construction, and equipment for a new building, and renovation and expansion for a girls’ athletic locker room, weight training facility, and other athletic facilities; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

Total Funding: $3,900,000

When educators developed School community-based management (SCBM) 20 years ago, Representative Sam Kong became Gus Webling Elementary School's Community Representative; he has been there ever since. Upon being elected as state Representative, he could no longer officially be the community representative, but still attends meetings though he does not have voting rights.

Representative Kong stays connected with curriculum development, operations and facility maintenance and also assists the school as it transitions through different administrations.Representative Kong has two children that have gone through the Aiea school system from elementary through high school; his younger daughter recently graduated from Aiea High School. As a parent Representative Kong knows how important it is to be involved with your keiki’s education. He recently met with Aiea High School’s new principal to understand how he can best support the high school. Representative Kong is leading the Drag Racing Against Gangs and Graffiti (DRAGG) program at Aiea High School (AHS), a collaborative project between AHS, Local Law Enforcement, and world class race drivers to support the school’s auto shop program and increase participation by at risk youth. 

Representative Kong believe hawaii’s keiki deserve a high quality education provided by engaged, empowered teaches. He is currently Vice Chair of the House Education Committee and hopes to advocate for students, teachers and administration through his role on this pivotal committee. He is committed to providing both high quality educational opportunities to Hawaii’s keiki and supporting Hawaii’s teachers.

Funds allocated to Aiea area schools under Representative Kong’s tenure:


Representative Sam Kong joined the Aiea Pearl City Business Association 25 years ago when he became a member of the business community as the owner/operator of Aiea Florist. As such he became a founding member of the Aiea Pearl City Graffiti Busters. This was the beginning of his role in volunteerism in Aiea. As a Graffiti Buster Representative Kong is currently a member of the Mana-Loa Lions Club. He can be found every Saturday morning painting over graffiti, landscaping, pulling weeds, picking up trash and doing other projects that improve the community. Representative Kong’s commitment to volunteerism dates more than 25 years and continues through today.

Representative Kong’s sense of volunteerism extends to his support of members of the community. He is known to drive senior citizens to/from their errands and physician appointments and to drive homeless individuals to church; as a cab driver these routes are provided at no charge. When he was the owner/operator of Aiea Florist he allowed homeless individuals to spend the night in his florist. Representative Kong’s sense of community and volunteerism is not a campaign issue, it is who he is.


Representative Sam Kong knows the business world presents unique challenges. As a local businessman, he knows one has to deal with so much; from government regulations and taxes, the economy, to employees and their benefits. Reflecting on 21 years of owning Aiea Florist, he does not regret a day of it. What he misses most about selling the florist is not designing and working with flowers, but being with his friends and colleagues. Representative Kong hopes that as an elected official he can both maintain contact with friends and colleagues and advocate for local business owners. His goal is to improve the lives of local business owners and their customers.


  When Representative Kong was the owner of Aiea Florist he let homeless individuals spend the night in his florist. Solving the homeless crisis is a very personal, sincere issue for him, not a political platform.


  Despite the state’s efforts in providing housing, homelessness continues to rise in Hawaii. According to the Department of Urban Development Hawaii has the highest rate of homeless per capita in the United States. Homelessness is a complex issue with multiple causes.


  Representative Sam Kong’s goal is to address the homeless situation on Oahu through providing additional housing for homeless individuals and their families. After personally assisting homeless individuals in the Aiea community for the past twenty five years, Representative Kong has made homelessness a priority as an elected official. His plan began with developing a team of government, business and and community leaders who could implement housing solutions. They have identified properties throughout Oahu (City, State, and Federal) for possible development. Their first project is "Under and Upwards," a six acre Department of transportation (DOT) property located under the freeway in Pearl City off of Hugh St. Representative Kong and his team have recently received approval by the Pearl City neighborhood Board to continue with this project.


  The second project is the Cedar Church four acre agricultural property located on Waianae Valley Road and will assist existing homeless individuals. The third project is Hoomau Ke Ola, a 1,000-acre parcel which would serve the chronically ill and drug abuse clients; This site is also located in Waianae. The fourth project is a 3 ½ acre federal property in Aiea which will focus on meeting the needs of homeless veterans. The land for these projects have been donated by various entities. The planning and design of the first project has been done by a local architectural firm at minimal cost to the state. The building and operations of the housing will be a public-private endeavor. The specific operational details such as admission criteria will be determined by the local community. Representative Kong is confident that implementing these projects will house homeless individuals and families in a cost conscious manner, and will be of significant benefit to our community.

©2020 by Friends for Sam Kong

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